Category Archives: FAQs of Christianity

This series of essays explores the nature of Christ, hence Christianity, A series of questions guide us:
FAQ 1: What are the origins of Christianity?
FAQ 2: How do we know that Jesus actually lived, and how can we know that the Old Testament and New Testament are legitimate sources to know about God and Christ?
FAQ 3: Why did Christ appear at the time that He did, not earlier or later?
FAQ 4: Why did the Christian Church succeed during the first few centuries, anno domini, whereas competing religions and philosophies did not?
FAQ 5: Why did the Church survive the Fall of Rome and come to dominate Europe during the Middle Ages?
FAQ 6: Why did the Protestant Reformation occur, and how did Christianity spread to America and other continents?
FAQ 7: What explains the presence of evil, suffering, and war in a Christian society?
FAQ 8: What is God’s role throughout history?
FAQ 9: What is God’s relationship with Humans as well as other Creatures, and what happens when all creatures, including humans, die?
FAQ 10: What does it mean to be a Christian today?

FAQs of Christianity

(Answers are Found in the Past) FAQ 1: What is a Christian? This initial question yields the many questions that follow because Christianity is an old religion, entering into its third millennium, based on an even older religion, that of … Continue reading

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